Coming Soon:
Annual Zine
In order to showcase the long-form writing of History and Classics students we are working on releasing an annual magazine.
Submissions are now open!
What are we looking for?
The theme for our first edition is memory. We’re looking for relatively short, high-quality work from the Cambridge community, centred around this theme.
Submitters are encouraged to interpret the theme in any way which inspires them; while we’re looking to produce a cohesive zine, we also want to explore the theme broadly and creatively. However, The Antiquarian focuses on History and Classics, so submissions should broadly fall within those fields.
Contributions can take a variety of formats, ranging from more academic article-style pieces to poetry and creative writing. As well as bringing together a number of different perspectives on ‘memory’, the zine aims to showcase a variety of different media, as well. It is really important that submitters don’t feel limited in terms of how they choose to interpret the theme of ‘memory’. If you have any concerns about the idea or format of your submission, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
Specific Guidelines
Academic Prose
Between 1000 – 4000 words.
We do not require an abstract.
Instead of footnotes or a bibliography, we ask authors to reference other scholars’ work more informally, within the text (e.g. ‘As Samuel Huntington has argued…’, ‘The Clash of Civilizations (1996) explains that…’); avoiding plagiarism is essential, but we’re not a strict academic journal! We also encourage authors to include a short list of ‘further reading’ at the end of their submission.
Poetry & Creative Writing
Length is left to the author’s discretion, with a maximum limit of 4000 words.
Fiction and creative nonfiction are equally welcome.
Aside from requiring that work is submitted digitally, there are no size or style restrictions on illustrations. However, we do ask that artists bear in mind the practicalities of the zine format.
Submissions are open between Monday, 14th February and Monday, 28th March 2022. Please send them to
We will review every piece that is submitted and let you know whether you’ve been successful or not. (Please note that our review process isn’t an academic peer-review process; it’s also not anonymous.) If your work is chosen for publication, we might ask you to make some edits (particularly if you submit a piece of academic writing) to ensure that the piece is the best it can possibly be – but don’t worry, we’ll work with you on this!
Thank you for your interest in The Antiquarian’s zine; we look forward to reading your work!